Stromlo to Cotter Mountain Bike Trail

The Stromlo to Cotter Mountain Bike Trail is anticipated to start construction in 2025. The new 15km trail will go from the top of Stromlo to the Cotter. It will link 2 popular recreation areas and showcase the unique ACT landscape. This trail has been funded following community feedback from the Canberra Mountain Bike Report. Dirt Art is currently designing the trail.


The Canberra Mountain Bike Report contained recommendations to improve mountain biking experiences for Canberrans and visitors. Stakeholder workshops and public comments also helped shape the report. In addition to the Canberra Mountain Bike Report, the ACT prepared a Draft Trail Development Plan. It lists proposed trails in the ACT, and Stromlo to Cotter is a priority. ACTEA made submission in regard to these reports in regard to its impact on equestrian trails in Stromlo and opportunities for equestrians.

Progress and timeline

In December 2023, Dirt Art won the tender to work with the ACT Government and targeted stakeholders to design the trail. The tender included detailed heritage surveys of the proposed trail. Once Dirt Art complete the design, it must be approved before construction can start.

  • In the ACT, a Development Approval is required to build a trail in a nature reserve. This must include an Environmental Significance Opinion (ESO). An ESO shows that the proposed trail is unlikely to have a significant negative environmental or heritage impact.
  • At a Commonwealth level, the trail design must be assessed for potential impact on ‘Matters of National Environmental Significance’. This includes potential impact to threatened species and ecological communities.

Once approved the ACT Government will decide who will construct the trail through an open tender process. It is expected the trail will start construction in 2025.

Style and location of trail

The mountain biking trail will start at UC Stromlo Forest Park, go through Stony Creek Nature Reserve and finish at the Cotter Recreation Reserve. The trail will include a return trail from Casuarina Sands to UC Stromlo Forest Park.

The trail will start as a descending technical flow trail through UC Stromlo Forest Park. It will then turn into an ‘all mountain’ style trail through hills and rocky terrain. The trail will suit intermediate riders and include technical climbs and features.

The return trail will be a shared use dual direction trail for walkers and runners. It will also include one-way access (climbing) to mountain bikers. The trail will not be available for equestrian use. This is because Stony Creek Nature Reserve does not allow equestrian activities. The section of the trail in UC Stromlo Forest Park will limit intersections with existing equestrian routes. ACTEA has requested that the limitation on horses be reconsidered as part of the review of the Molonglo River Reserve Plan of Management.

What’s Happens Next?

Parks & Conservation who are managing the overall project and the design team have met with equestrian representatives to discuss minimisation of impacts on equestrian trails in West Stromlo. The Stromlo Stakeholder Consultative Committee, of which ACTEA is a member, will receive a presentation on the proposed design when it is completed.

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